Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here, if you still need help then please contact us at Email Little Pots by KK.

Frequently Asked Questions

I generally do not accept custom orders however I like to try out new ideas. 

What motivates me is the chance to create and find my own interpretation of something.

I would not be interested in a strict made to order approach but I'd love to hear your idea.

If it's something that inspires me I may create my version of it and you may buy it if you feel it matches your needs/likes.

We do not offer any firing or related ceramic services. If you live in the San Antonio area, we recommend Roadrunner Ceramics for services like this.

Since all of my pots are one of a kind they do tend to become unavailable. To get an update when similar styles are restocked follow us on Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter please. If you would like to find out when something specific is going to be restocked, feel free to message me!